It's really nice to have some extra time to get caught up on my stack of books needing to be read. I joined Book of the Month last year and for some reason just let them accumulate on my end table. But I managed to crank out 5 last month and I'm happy with that number.
This was Vijay's debut novel and I was pleasantly surprised by it. I got caught up in it for sure but didn't really like how the ending wrapped up. (I think I needed more closure.)
This was a great little thriller with lots of turns. Great character development. I figured everything out closer to the end of the book, but it was still a great read. Will definitely be reading more of her books in the future.
THIS BOOK. Have you ever read a book that you didn't want to end? That was this book for me. I kept putting it down and pacing myself. I laughed, I cried. So stop what you're doing and go read this book. You can thank me later. (BOTM rated this the 2017 Book of the Year.)
Maid by Stephanie Land (BOTM) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I truly enjoyed this book. I thought Stephanie wrote really well and it was heartbreaking at times. Glad she found her silver lining.
Snowbound by Blake Crouch ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I had read Dark Matter back in 2017 so when I saw Snowbound at the library I added it to my list. I really need to start reading more of his books. This one was suspenseful and definitely a page turner.
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