Weekend Links | 36

How is it November already? This year is flying by! 
I hope you all had an awesome Halloween. I'm still looking for some candy to steal.
Here's some fun/interesting things I found this week.

* We were watching bokeh effect videos the other night and figured we would try this out sometime soon. Especially once we get the Christmas tree up!

* Hufpost's 20 Funniest Tweets from Women This Week. Enough said.

* Did you know NatGeo offers trips? Also, who wants to go explore Antarctica with me?

* I plan on doing a Best of The Best Cookies for a Cookie Swap post (or something worded like that) soon and now I want to make ALL the cookies. And I kinda want this rad ass cookie cutter

* I know what movie I'll be watching after Christmas! Even if I have to go by myself. LMA fans, rejoice.

I'm gearing up for some fun stuff over here, on my YouTube channel & Facebook page so you'll definitely want to stay tuned! (psst... giveaway)

Happy weekend!

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