Happy Weekend!
*does happy dance*
This has been the l o n g e s t week possibly ever. Or at least it seemed that way. I've got tons on my plate and my to-do list is a mile long but all of that can wait, because it's Saturday. Here's some fun stuff I found/saw this week:
* Not sure why it took me so long (especially since Nana was a tea aficionado), but I recently discovered a drink known as the London Fog Latte at Starbucks. Where has this been all of my life? And I even worked at Starbucks! Maybe it's not that popular? Idk. But it's fantastic. And it's the first time I've ever tried Earl Grey. So basically it's Earl Grey, steamed milk and vanilla. Soooo good.
* It was Angela Lansbury's 94th birthday on Wednesday. She's one of my most favorite actresses.
* Something many of us already know, Scientific American posted an article about how sleep deprivation shuts down production of essential brain proteins.
* Now that it's finally getting cooler, I'm breaking out my stash of Gramma's yarn that I inherited and am finally getting around to finishing the Gap Seed Cowl & this blanket.
* I'm not one for Romantic Comedies, but Last Christmas looks like it's gonna be pretty good. Plus, Emilia Clarke.
* These candle holders are perfect for Halloween.
That's all for today! Hope you guys have an awesome weekend!
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