Week 2 is in the books! I changed this spread up quite a few times before I was happy with it.
I also ended up switching from cardstock to photo paper (half way through printing) and it made a HUGE difference. The colors are way more vibrant.
Cranking out books (and cookies) left and right. It's nice to have some time to read again.
Monday I had an interview up in Boston so I included my parking reminder and a photo of Beth Israel. (I didn't get the position but I do have another interview with them on Wednesday for a different position - fingers crossed!)
Here's the layout breakdown of the left side:
I'm so glad to be using up all of my old kits! Less is totally more, folks.
I love the look of layering but need to be mindful of how high I stack. You can only fit so much into those pockets!
Another off subject thing I learned is that everybody has different Snapchat filters. (I'd just assumed we all had the same ones.) I snapped this one and sent to a friend, we ended up comparing filters and turns out, we both had completely different ones.
We've been doing well at the shop so I added a photo of some tees heading out the door this week. (Shamless self-promotion: if any of you need custom shirts, let me know!)
And here's the final breakdown for the right side.
It's pretty crappy out today which gives me a perfect chance to get started on this week's layout!
Happy Sunday!
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